import { Readable } from "stream"; import { Document } from "mongoose"; import { IStory, Story } from "~/models/stories"; import { FormStory } from "~/lib/client/types/form/story"; import { storyQuerier } from "~/lib/server/dbHelpers"; import isLoggedIn from "~/lib/server/middlewareButNotReally/isLoggedIn"; import { canModify } from "~/lib/server/middlewareButNotReally/storyPrivileges"; import { bodyHandler, getBucket, modelFormChapter, replaceOrUploadContent, } from "~/lib/server/storyHelpers"; import { countWords } from "~/lib/functions"; import { messages } from "~/lib/server/constants"; export default eventHandler(async (ev) => { let os: | (Document<unknown, {}, IStory> & IStory & Required<{ _id: number; }>) | null = await storyQuerier(ev); isLoggedIn(ev); if (!canModify(ev, os)) { throw createError({ statusCode: 403, message: messages[403], }); } const body: FormStory = await readBody<FormStory>(ev); const update: Partial<IStory> = { title: body.title, completed: body.completed, coAuthor: body.coAuthor, chapters: [], }; for (const oc of os.chapters) { let filename = `/stories/${}.txt`; const bucket = getBucket(); const curs = bucket.find({ filename }).limit(1); for await (const d of curs) { await bucket.delete(d._id); } } for (const c of body.chapters) { let idx = os.chapters.findIndex((k) => ===; const cont = await bodyHandler(c); if (idx === -1) { update.chapters!.push({ ...modelFormChapter(c), posted: new Date(, }); } else { update.chapters!.push({ ...modelFormChapter(c), id: os.chapters[idx].id, posted: os.chapters[idx].posted, }); replaceOrUploadContent(os.chapters![idx].id, cont); } update.chapters![update.chapters!.length - 1].words = countWords(cont); } os = await Story.findOneAndUpdate( { _id: os._id, }, update, { new: true }, ); if (!os) { throw createError({ statusCode: 500, message: "Something went wrong.", }); } return { success: true, data: os.toObject(), }; });