import turndown from "turndown";
export const ContentFilenameRegex = /\.(doc|docx|md|markdown)$/i;

export const emailRegex: RegExp =
export const usernameRegex: (uname: string) => RegExp = (uname: string) =>
	new RegExp("^" + uname.trim().replace(/\*/g, "\\*") + "$", "i");
export const mammothTemplate = (doc, defaults, content) => {
	return content.replace(/\n|\r\n|\r/gm, "");
export const sanitizeConf = {
	allowedTags: [
	disallowedTagsMode: "discard",
	allowedAttributes: {
		a: ["href", "name", "target"],
		// We don't currently allow img itself by default, but this
		// would make sense if we did. You could add srcset here,
		// and if you do the URL is checked for safety
		img: ["src"],
	// Lots of these won't come up by default because we don't allow them
	selfClosing: [
	// URL schemes we permit
	allowedSchemes: ["http", "https", "ftp", "mailto", "tel"],
	allowedSchemesAppliedToAttributes: ["href", "src", "cite"],
	allowProtocolRelative: true,
	enforceHtmlBoundary: false,
	allowedSchemesByTag: {
		img: ["data"],

export const messages = {
	[403]: "Forbidden",
	[401]: "Authorization required",
	[404]: "Not found",

export const apiRoot = "";
export const h2m = new turndown({
	hr: "---",
	codeBlockStyle: "fenced",
	emDelimiter: "*",
	bulletListMarker: "+",