// Before packaging do the build like this: // // mvn install -pl styles // mvn install -pl base // mvn prepare-package jar:jar -pl sampler // Use Amazon's Java 17 build, latest as of packaging. OpenJDK already moved on to 18. include required("/stdlib/jdk/17/amazon.conf") // Import JavaFX JMODs. include required("/stdlib/jvm/javafx/from-jmods.conf") // Set some version keys by evaluating Maven expressions. include "#!=app.version ./mvnw -q help:evaluate -Dexpression=project.version -DforceStdout" include "#!=javafx.version ./mvnw -q help:evaluate -Dexpression=openjfx.version -DforceStdout" app { display-name = AtlantaFX Sampler fsname = atlantafx-sampler // Open source projects use Conveyor for free. vcs-url = github.com/mkpaz/atlantafx // Import the JARs. inputs += sampler/target/dependencies // Linux/macOS want rounded icons, Windows wants square. icons = "sampler/icons/icon-rounded-*.png" windows.icons = "sampler/icons/icon-square-*.png" jvm { gui.main-class = atlantafx.sampler.Launcher modules += jdk.zipfs // Needed for the jar: protocol to work via nio. } // Force an update check on each launch, because if the user is running the app it's quite likely to be due to a new release. updates = aggressive site { // Where to check for updates / find packages. base-url = downloads.hydraulic.dev/atlantafx/sampler // How to upload the finished repository/site. copy-to = "sftp://hq.hydraulic.software/var/www/downloads.hydraulic.dev/atlantafx/sampler" } } conveyor.compatibility-level = 9