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{"type":"group","id":"14113375aaf94091","x":2500,"y":-323,"width":1000,"height":949,"label":"idk x3"},
{"type":"group","id":"f434a9712f57a4e8","x":890,"y":1280,"width":730,"height":933,"label":"4 maybe?"},
{"type":"group","id":"e46a826d768740af","x":3920,"y":-1280,"width":400,"height":300,"color":"#8affb3","label":"possible ending 1"},
{"type":"text","text":"Janne takes Alexi to the kitchen and pours him a glass of water.\n\nhe tuns on the lights to get a better look at Alexi, and is horrified:\n\non Alexi’s neck and arms are ugly purple bruises, and there’s a cut on his upper lip.\n\nJanne takes a deep breath and regains his composure. “Look. you don’t have to tell me what happened to you right this second. that can come later. however, i want to... do some first aid. if that’s okay with you.”\n\nAlexi nods slowly.\n\nJanne mentally sighs in relief. “okay. stay here.”","id":"2cbb2123b1db8080","x":2980,"y":-255,"width":250,"height":495},
{"type":"text","text":"“um. can i... sleep with you? please?”\n\n“if it makes you feel safer, of course, pikkupoika.”","id":"430c987d18c6eb35","x":3060,"y":384,"width":250,"height":180},
{"type":"text","text":"##### house rules\n1. all attendees must confirm that they are 18 or older via ID or guest profile. NO EXCEPTIONS!!!\n2. leave your cellphones at the front desk\n3. no recording is pe rmitted whatsoever without express permission from the club owner\n4. do not touch or grope he dancers while they are performing","id":"00d95850e2e640de","x":-520,"y":-138,"width":340,"height":278,"color":"#6b9cff"},
{"type":"text","text":"# random comic relief thing\n\nAlexi tries to practice pole dancing with a flimsy piece of wood as a pole\n\n“were you... were you trying to dance?”\n\nAlexi blushes and nods.\n\n“dancing has always been my favourite thing to do. it’s freeing for me.”\n\nJanne smiles. “well if it makes you happy, i’d gladly set up a proper pole in the basement for you!”\n\n“r-really?”\n\nAlexi kisses Janne passionately. “you’re too kind... i need to repay you...”\n\n“no, you don’t—”\n\n“please? i... i wanna make you happy too....”\n\nJanne nods.\n\n---\n*Alexi sucks Janne off*","id":"f6d83b004f7187f0","x":2200,"y":-1420,"width":460,"height":640,"color":"3"},
{"type":"text","text":"Henkka is found not guilty of human trafficking and rape","id":"5b4afa33f10bd9a5","x":4000,"y":-1240,"width":250,"height":92},
{"type":"text","text":"Alexi commits suicide days after the verdict","id":"4ef03a5ade85f22e","x":4000,"y":-1100,"width":250,"height":80},
{"type":"text","text":"“that’s fine. i want you to feel good.”","id":"97d7ed856ce84fb4","x":1755,"y":-28,"width":250,"height":94},
{"type":"text","text":"Janne pays yet another visit to the club","id":"692d7ecce67a0b15","x":1760,"y":-315,"width":240,"height":60,"color":"4"},
{"type":"text","text":"Anna gives Janne a knowing smirk, before leading him to Alexi’s room","id":"12f56820071a6a02","x":1760,"y":-228,"width":240,"height":68},
{"type":"text","text":"“but i-i won’t last...”","id":"b3efbe0dc8294928","x":1760,"y":-128,"width":240,"height":60},
{"type":"text","text":"Henkka does his monthly inspection of Alexi’s phone","id":"571a29c51ea39925","x":1960,"y":620,"width":250,"height":60,"color":"4"},
{"type":"text","text":"he finds the dirty texts, nudes, and call logs between Janne and Alexi\n\nhe grins sadistically. then he goes to Alexi’s room and knocks, feigning a nice tone","id":"5c894f572bd868b5","x":1960,"y":720,"width":250,"height":160},
{"type":"text","text":"Alexi answers the door\n\nHenkka pins him to the wall and starts choking him out\n\n“you’ve been lying this whole time, haven’t you?!”\n\n“n-no—?”","id":"3e667e2776f74480","x":1960,"y":910,"width":250,"height":190},
{"type":"text","text":"*slap.*\n\n“oh alexi... when will you learn?”\n\nAlexi, emboldened by adrenaline, kicks Henkka in the crotch, forcing the bigger man to let go of him.\n\n“never, because i’m done with you!”\n\n“excuse me..?”\n\n“yeah. i’m done being your *plaything*. end of fuckin’ story!”","id":"93bfae550f9531f3","x":1940,"y":1139,"width":300,"height":287},
{"type":"text","text":"Alexi is called into Henkka’s office","id":"49156deca11fc6f6","x":926,"y":1315,"width":250,"height":64,"color":"4"},
{"type":"text","text":"“You haven’t been fooling around with anyone else, have you?”\n“n-no, daddy, of course not!”\nHenkka slaps Alexi’s face hard\n“i’m gonna ask again, since you seem to have grown quite fond of lying.”\nAlexi gulps\n“have you been having sex with anyone else?”\n“y-yes, i have.”\nHenkka narrows his eyes\n“but it was just for money i swear! he paid me r-really well, a-and—”\n“strip. now.”\n","id":"33f5def7e3f1dffe","x":926,"y":1426,"width":250,"height":327},
{"type":"text","text":"Henkka finishes inside Alexi and leaves him alone.\nAlexi feels too sick to his stomach to finish himself off\n\nhe cries himself into a dreamless sleep","id":"1932a6cbee96ca37","x":1325,"y":1633,"width":250,"height":240},
{"type":"text","text":"“who do you belong to, slut?”\n\n“y-you, only you.” Alexi whispers with tears in his eyes\n\n“that’s right. you’re *mine.* ***mine!*** you hear me, baby?”\nAlexi nods, Henkka slaps him\n“i... i’m yours, daddy, only yours!” Alexi sobs. he feels nauseous.","id":"660354b6ecd58753","x":926,"y":1793,"width":250,"height":320},
{"type":"text","text":"- a peek into Henkka and Alexi’s abusive dynamic\n - Alexi is forced to call him “daddy”","id":"e9cc9cc235994ba5","x":660,"y":2400,"width":250,"height":120},
{"type":"text","text":"Alexi’s heart is pounding","id":"2d456c96fd19a0d7","x":1961,"y":1928,"width":250,"height":50},
{"type":"text","text":"Henkka smiles manically. “oh no no *no*, you’ll never leave, kissa.”","id":"70f8aa3020c77b8d","x":1961,"y":1633,"width":250,"height":80},
{"type":"text","text":"Alexi finds where Janne lives, and goes there via public transit","id":"5eee6453a9d00ee6","x":2574,"y":-285,"width":250,"height":91,"color":"4"},
{"type":"text","text":"Janne answers the door\n\n“what are you doing here?”","id":"9914a63cbfe2482e","x":2574,"y":-154,"width":250,"height":91},
{"type":"text","text":"Alexi runs in right away, and begs Janne to lock the door immediately","id":"1bbd858e8189b02f","x":2574,"y":-34,"width":250,"height":80},
{"type":"text","text":"“h-he’s gonna find me if you don’t, just please!”\n\nJanne does as he’s told.\n\n“Alexi, what’s going on?”\n\nAlexi shakes and trembles, then finally breaks down in tears. he can’t talk; he’s hyperventilating from his sobs.\n\n“oh, my poor baby...” Janne murmurs. “do you want to talk about it?”\n\nJanne tries to caress Alexi’s cheek; Alexi cries harder.\n\n“i’m gonna take that as a no. come, let me get you some water.”","id":"500b23e8a12b9895","x":2574,"y":85,"width":250,"height":481},
{"type":"text","text":"Alexi sends a video of himself\nhe’s wearing lace lingerie, and is jerking himself off with a dildo up his ass","id":"f31e73956a127293","x":1060,"y":960,"width":280,"height":110},
{"type":"text","text":"”try not to enjoy the show too much!” the bouncer says with a wink","id":"d8ed4de2920d1b49","x":220,"y":123,"width":250,"height":105},
{"type":"text","text":"meanwhile, Alexi is getting ready for his show (putting on makeup, and costume).","id":"0a5dfa7076c6bbbe","x":220,"y":340,"width":250,"height":100},
{"type":"text","text":"the moment Alexi strutted out onstage, Janne knew right away *this is the one i want to fuck tonight.*","id":"ed8bd6912260d9da","x":220,"y":548,"width":250,"height":142},
{"type":"text","text":"”welcome to The Underground, sir! you’re just in time for our main event!”\n\nshe hands Janne a brochure with the house rules.\n\n“here are the house rules. also, do you mind showing us your ID, sir?”\n\nJanne shows his ID\n\n“looks good. our entry fee is $40. how would you like to pay?”","id":"f05fd1ef605b300e","x":220,"y":-244,"width":250,"height":295},
{"type":"text","text":"Janne comes to the club again","id":"d048d465956ee81b","x":1060,"y":280,"width":280,"height":71,"color":"4"},
{"type":"text","text":"they cuddle afterwards, and Alexi falls asleep in Janne’s arms","id":"cc2907e03cb2ce82","x":1060,"y":480,"width":280,"height":92},
{"type":"text","text":"when he wakes up Janne is gone (obviously), though he left a note with his phone number, as well as a sizable wad of cash\n","id":"9dc9825f309de05c","x":1060,"y":640,"width":280,"height":110},
{"type":"text","text":"Alexi calls Janne later that evening, and they have phone sex","id":"6a83d7a6ccfa677f","x":1060,"y":820,"width":280,"height":80},
{"type":"text","text":"he and Alexi fuck","id":"19e4cf65e2ce1ddb","x":1080,"y":380,"width":240,"height":60},
{"type":"text","text":"seeing the genuine sadness in Alexi’s eyes, Janne promises to come back soon.","id":"e5cc6c320d96494b","x":620,"y":-157,"width":250,"height":97},
{"type":"text","text":"bright neon lights catch his eye\nit’s a nightclub/hotel called “the underground”","id":"36aa9e867b36fb4d","x":220,"y":-367,"width":250,"height":90},
{"type":"text","text":"“can you stay the night? please?” asks Alexi.\nJanne shakes his head. “can’t. got work tomorrow.”","id":"5ec95f5b14e8850d","x":620,"y":-325,"width":250,"height":110},
{"type":"text","text":"Janne and Alexi have sex...","id":"a5438dc1bdf1f36a","x":620,"y":-440,"width":250,"height":60},
{"type":"text","text":"Janne snaps and jerks off in the bathroom to the memory of Alexi","id":"e3f25749e9851d5c","x":1140,"y":-244,"width":290,"height":94},
{"type":"text","text":"Janne goes to the seedier, dingier side of town","id":"89e39344375f3f72","x":220,"y":-487,"width":250,"height":60},
{"type":"text","text":"### Janne’s day at work","id":"95a85b8c215d8699","x":1160,"y":-452,"width":250,"height":60},
{"type":"text","text":"Janne can’t stop thinking about the dancer from the night before","id":"ceaa4f3fd7871822","x":1160,"y":-352,"width":250,"height":75,"color":"4"},
{"type":"text","text":"*he needed to see him again. soon.*","id":"047df75d03298f85","x":1160,"y":-91,"width":250,"height":60},
{"type":"text","text":"he wants to touch, but he remembers the house rules","id":"361cdacce89f726e","x":620,"y":-580,"width":250,"height":100},
{"type":"text","text":"janne gets off work","id":"c9e6bbf075f31b94","x":220,"y":-592,"width":250,"height":60,"color":"4"},
{"type":"text","text":"henkka forced Alexi and Anna to have sex with him, or in front of him to “prove” they could do the job\n\nAlexi takes the fall for his sister, offers himself up so she doesn’t have to...","id":"ea388ad5fbcf084b","x":700,"y":-1140,"width":250,"height":234,"color":"2"}
} |