Matt McCormick (thewtex) dbd3f8e3c7 Make cpu usage timing interval user option.
Also convert sleep to microseconds so the delay time can always be less than the
tmux status bar update interval.
2010-02-25 08:54:18 -06:00

167 lines
4.3 KiB

#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include <unistd.h> // sleep
float cpu_percentage( unsigned int cpu_usage_delay )
string stat_line;
size_t line_start_pos;
size_t line_end_pos;
unsigned long long current_user;
unsigned long long current_system;
unsigned long long current_nice;
unsigned long long current_idle;
unsigned long long next_user;
unsigned long long next_system;
unsigned long long next_nice;
unsigned long long next_idle;
unsigned long long diff_user;
unsigned long long diff_system;
unsigned long long diff_nice;
unsigned long long diff_idle;
istringstream iss;
ifstream stat_file("/proc/stat");
getline(stat_file, stat_line);
// skip "cpu"
line_start_pos = stat_line.find_first_not_of(" ", 3);
line_end_pos = stat_line.find_first_of(' ', line_start_pos);
line_end_pos = stat_line.find_first_of(' ', line_end_pos + 1);
line_end_pos = stat_line.find_first_of(' ', line_end_pos + 1);
line_end_pos = stat_line.find_first_of(' ', line_end_pos + 1);
iss.str( stat_line.substr( line_start_pos, line_end_pos - line_start_pos ) );
iss >> current_user >> current_nice >> current_system >> current_idle;
usleep( cpu_usage_delay );"/proc/stat");
getline(stat_file, stat_line);
// skip "cpu"
line_start_pos = stat_line.find_first_not_of(" ", 3);
line_end_pos = stat_line.find_first_of(' ', line_start_pos);
line_end_pos = stat_line.find_first_of(' ', line_end_pos + 1);
line_end_pos = stat_line.find_first_of(' ', line_end_pos + 1);
line_end_pos = stat_line.find_first_of(' ', line_end_pos + 1);
iss.str( stat_line.substr( line_start_pos, line_end_pos - line_start_pos ) );
iss >> next_user >> next_nice >> next_system >> next_idle;
diff_user = next_user - current_user;
diff_system = next_system - current_system;
diff_nice = next_nice - current_nice;
diff_idle = next_idle - current_idle;
return static_cast<float>(diff_user + diff_system + diff_nice)/static_cast<float>(diff_user + diff_system + diff_nice + diff_idle)*100.0;
string cpu_string( unsigned int cpu_usage_delay )
string meter = "[ ]";
int meter_count = 0;
float percentage;
ostringstream oss;
oss.precision( 1 );
oss.setf( ios::fixed | ios::right );
percentage = cpu_percentage( cpu_usage_delay );
meter_count = 1;
while(meter_count*9.99 < percentage)
meter[meter_count] = '|';
oss << meter;
oss.width( 5 );
oss << percentage;
oss << "%";
return oss.str();
string mem_string()
unsigned int total_mem;
unsigned int used_mem;
unsigned int unused_mem;
size_t line_start_pos;
size_t line_end_pos;
istringstream iss;
ostringstream oss;
string mem_line;
ifstream meminfo_file( "/proc/meminfo" );
getline( meminfo_file, mem_line );
line_start_pos = mem_line.find_first_of( ':' );
line_end_pos = mem_line.find_first_of( 'k' );
iss.str( mem_line.substr( line_start_pos, line_end_pos - line_start_pos ) );
iss >> total_mem;
used_mem = total_mem;
for( unsigned int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
getline( meminfo_file, mem_line );
line_start_pos = mem_line.find_first_of( ':' );
line_end_pos = mem_line.find_first_of( 'k' );
iss.str( mem_line.substr( line_start_pos, line_end_pos - line_start_pos ) );
iss >> unused_mem;
used_mem -= unused_mem;
oss << used_mem / 1024 << '/' << total_mem / 1024 << "MB";
return oss.str();
string load_string()
ifstream loadavg_file( "/proc/loadavg" );
string load_line;
getline( loadavg_file, load_line );
return load_line.substr( 0, 14 );
int main(int argc, char** argv)
unsigned int cpu_usage_delay = 900000;
if( argc > 1 )
istringstream iss( argv[1] );
iss.exceptions ( ifstream::failbit | ifstream::badbit );
unsigned int status_interval;
iss >> status_interval;
cpu_usage_delay = status_interval * 1000000 - 100000;
catch(const exception &e)
cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " [tmux_status-interval(seconds)]" << endl;
return 1;
std::cout << mem_string() << ' ' << cpu_string( cpu_usage_delay ) << ' ' << load_string();
return 0;